Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Believe the Bad Days Are Over*

By the time I got into my 40th decade of this embodiment, I felt a need to 'revamp' my life outlook. With occasional reminders from a dear friend, (it took about 3 years of daily attention), I learned to refocus my attitudes by appreciating every good, positive, helpful and enlightening event in my day. It does become a matter of intention and when I became more aware of my own intentions, I began to think more critically about other people's intentions. There lies another chapter that unfolded in my life events, but that's another story. My point is that we can learn to recondition our own responses by intentionally being in the present. An attitude of gratitude is definately what works on this planet. My attitude adjustments take daily attention and I don't always remain in the 'present', but it does do a whole bunch to iron out life's creases and take heavy burdens from my shoulders.
So enough philosophy, I can still speak of the bad things, I just choose not to most of the time. Last Thursday the 16th, was bad because I started running a low grade fever that continued for 7 days. Now it's like recovery from a cold, and I'm still coughing. Midterms throughout all of this made for more than one bad day, certainly challenging. Well on the mend now, everyday is better. Jeanie*

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