Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Whatzup wit dat?

12/16/09 Bible Blog
As I continue this last week of the semester with the studies of Lit -240, and read more of the Bible than I ever thought possible for me to accomplish, one question keeps nagging me for an answer.
I mean, does anyone else think this?! I'm not sure what exactly my gripe is except, what's with all the ethnic 'snobbery' with Jews?? I'm beginning to think they are the root of all racism! Why? Because the Bible is full of rules about keeping the Hebrews genetically clean of other human races/religions. Am I wrong to question this sort of mentality? To me it doesn't feel very 'Christian-like, as the saying goes, not like a win-win situation for all concerned, and time has proven that it is not. (Anyway, what about the gene pool?)
Just today in the news, Israel and Palestine are fighting again, actually throwing rocks at each other because they don't want to share the planet with each other's belief systems. How arrogant we humans are; where will it all end?!
Seriously, Hebrew or Christian or Muslim or whatever; they all snub humans of other religions and races. I thought that most major religions were all preaching about THE ONE TRUE GOD?! Or is that for only their one true God? Where is the logic in that? Where is the Love?!
And so I also ask, if there is to be only one God for all the world, no matter how they dress him, (I say him because I do accept that we live in a patriarchal world right now), that's saying that all men of all religions and races were created by this one God; all men of all religions/races are the same re: equal. No matter if we agree with them and their foreign beliefs, they too were created by the same God and therefore must be afforded the same respect as does all of God's creation.
Is it too much to ask of us to treat one another as we would our selves wish to be treated? Are we not taught this golden rule, and in so many translations of human religions!?! Why by golly, yes, that is indeed a historical fact.
Why has everyone been so freaked since the history of the Bible, about mixing things up? It happens anyway; biracial/bi-religion couples have been creating families for eons, and we're all still here growing and learning. I think that the different mixes of people and religions give us more of a variety of colorful people, colorful ideas and imaginations, and the opportunity to share all the human insights of God. Something wrong with that?
Maybe all the races and all the religions will mix and become one, and then we'll be all done with wasting time and energy on skin color and worship practices. We would then have no choice but to get on with the concerns of the 'one' people of the same shade and the same praises for the one true Creator of all that is.
Merry Christmas and Blessings on You & Yours! Jeanie*

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